

Monday 18 February 2013

Delhi Belly

Don't worry- none of us have gone down with it. We've tried to be careful. We've self-administered pills to fill ourselves with so many bacteria that no self-respecting bowel-complainant would stand a chance!

Trisha made the observation about how many Indian women, rather than try to hold their tummies in, seem to want to accentuate them. I noticed that most men seemed to do the same, and wondered if a rotund belly signified prosperity? I seem to remember such a fact spoken of by an Indian friend on my first visit (I think he thought that such a comment might be flattering to me - it wasn't!

Staying a short while in this very nice hotel in Pondicherry has given us a bit of an insight into the Middle-Class at. Leisure. They seem on the whole to be "well-covered", and their children had caught the Western disease "I want gets", noisily drawing attention to themselves and allowed to behave and wander at will. And, of course, their ability to buy things that others can't, quite a contrast to those with whom we had been in contact over last few.years. Mr Cameron is over here at the moment, to develop a relationship with the new India. He won't fail to notice that an old India is still very much around, and that any trade agreement will take a long time to filter down to those who need it most. In the mean time, at least an expanding Middle Class (in many respects) are enjoying an India of increasing opportunity.

This could be the last blog post for three days, as we are travelling into the Cardamom Hills, where there is little of Modern India around, just peace, tranquility, and some (more) good food.

Apologies to those who have tried to comment on the blog. I think it's because I'm writing this in a land that is not UK, and it has changed it's identity from UK to IN.

Love from India- where the temperature yesterday was around 35C!

1 comment:

  1. I now have a blog of my own for my time in Palestine and maybe beyond, so responding at this stage is both experiment, as I am signed in with my own blog, and a thank you for posting yours. Your trip sounds amazing and I look forward to hearing much more on your (pleural) return!
    There is a map and an itinerary for your travels in the church porch so anyone who wants can see where you are and what you are up to, can - at least in outline!
